Tuesday, July 5, 2011

9 month old today!!!

Just got up... almost 9AM.... quite late for me, but i am BEAT.... tired from babysitting I guess.... did not get home from Jewel's house till almost midnite last nite.... it was a looong day of babysitting.... longer it seems, as she has been quite CLINGY lately... just wants to be held most of the time.... cries when you put her down.... boo hoo...

Last nite she did the funniest thing - she actually slept on my left leg for a whole hour.... her left arm and leg holding on to me; while the right arm and legs were left dangling.... it did not look comfortable to me and I could feel each time she turned/moved, left arm held on even tighter... though the leg was quite tired, I did not have the heart to wake her or move her, she has been sick the last few days and was not getting enough sleep...

Jewel turns 9 months old today....

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