Thursday, June 9, 2011

and the beat goes on....

the beat of my life that is.... a couple of hours more and this BDay has come and gone once again..... Over all it was a nice, quiet, uneventful, smooth day... no major troubles with work... got all the shipping I needed to get out - out..... got to church.... and though it looked as if it was thunder and rain this afternoon, it still stopped after an hour or so, and the sun smiled again in the afternoon....I Guess the only thing I did not get to do, and would have loved to have been able to do, was go to the Gym.... I just ran out of time tonite.. boo hoo.... oh yeah, and that iPad 2 did not come after all.... Oh Well, there is always next Bday.... or tomorrow...

Just noticed below.... i SHARE this BDAY with Natalie Portman, Johnny Depp, Michael J Fox, & Cole Porter - all FAVES of mine!!!! WOW!!!!

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