Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Be@rbick X Jimmy Liao X 9 : Part II

WHOA!!!! Today is the first day that the 2nd Set of this Brand New Premium Bearbrick Collection for Hi*Life came out - and am soooo HAPPY to say - I was able to get all three already.... YES!!! These guys are just as CUTE as the first three I had blogged about recently....I was able to collect enough stickers for all three Jimmy Liao designed Bearbricks (30 stickers total!) - with the help of a few people, I have to admit:
-The Hi*Life shop girl who gives me a little extra whenever I shop... be it that she likes me or out of pity, matters not, am most appreciative.... Needless to say, I shop mostly when she is there...
-To Juliana for letting me know that a faster way than drinking coffee each day to get the stickers is to buy a certain brand of Cold Tea Drink... 4 bottles gets one 5 stickers!!! 3 more than if one gets a cup of coffee and a sandwich.... YES AGAIN!!!
-and of course, those who did not want their stickers and just threw them away in places I was able to find them!!! LOL..... Now on to collecting stickers for the last 3!!! Hahahahahahaha.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rudi, looks like you won't need much help this time around. You are getting them all by yourself. Hahaha..... Happy collecting!
