Friday, March 25, 2011

You Gotta Give For What You Take!!!

I do what I do, I help where I can, because I like to... Never Do I Ever Expect Anything back... or to get compensated for the things I do... It is just the way I am... the way I have been since ever since I can remember.... Most everyone knows this of me.... or should have.. especially those close to me....

The most I ever ask for is NOT TO BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED and NOT TO BE ABUSED - and yet, somehow, these couple of things turns out to be TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!

-Justify FullWhy does it seem TOO MUCH TO ASK to be SHOWN some APPRECIATION now and again??? Not with GIFTS but by a simple Thank You... an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..... why am I made to FEEL BAD when I SAY NO??? as with everyone, I too, get Busy & Tired - both physically and mentally... and should be entitled to a break now and again... and DEFINITELY NOT made to feel BAD and GUILTY for saying NO....

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