Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wet Weekend....

Nope, not a Wet & Wild Weekend, as some of you might be heading to on these Summer Months... it was plain and simple, a Wet Weekend.... basically Non-Stop rain that continued on through all day and nite Monday.... so wet that even the buses are drenched inside from all the umbrella carrying passengers - myself included!!! And with the way things had been lately - it almost felt as if it was just not raining outside but inside as well, emotionally speaking.... I do not mind the rain, I actually like the feel of it now and again - but when it is like so - NON STOP - I could go batty... it is hard to get motivated... even to exercise - as the walk to the GYM is quite a cold and puddle challenge one.... getting anywhere, somewhat wet, if not soaking wet, is never a pleasant feeling... and it does not do wonders for one's appearance.... that's for sure... LOL.. Still, I managed to do this and that.... as much as I could muster the energy for anyway... walked to and back from a few places.... Saturday, I went to Juliana's home to return the looong overdue shopping bags full of dolls.... then we waited for Sue N Cecilia - to have lunch and celebrate Juliana's upcoming BDay... it was a FUN time with the Girls - as always.... and we were stuffed from the many food ordered at Chili's and of course, from the fun conversations....
Sunday, still raining non stop, it was a nice time at Church... being reflective and just rejuvenating myself, through the Music and the Peaceful ambiance....Then Monday afternoon - with the rain letting up a bit, I braved the coldness and went to Warner Viewshow to catch the afternoon showing of "SUCKER PUNCH"... been dying to see this movie and am sooooo glad I did... it was PURE ADRENALIN FUN..... Great Escape movie with Glorious cinematography.... Great Texture and Design on the films.... and KICK ASS Girls doing their thing... purely, an entertaining almost 2 hrs long kind of a film... A MUST SEE - TRUST ME!!!!So TRULY, just as the sign above says.... it is as Beautiful As you Make it to be.... come rain or shine....

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