Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Superstar Showcase"

Last Jan 10th, had the BEST of LUCK, in being invited to see a Pre - Chinese New Year taping of a Variety /Concert Special at the Taipei Arena.... 4 hours of NON-Stop fun, Star Gazing, with so one after another POP star from Taiwan (old time faves: Will Pan, A-Lin, Elva Hsiao, Stanley, Show, etc... and new faves, Da Swei Ba, LOLLIPOP... and Taiwan's Hunkiest POP Star of the moment, Kenji Wu - who did the obligatory ripping of the top - with rain on stage during his performance - much too much, to everyone's delight...) , China (Shaolin Monks - LOVE THEM!!!), Hong Kong (long time FAVEs since way back in San Francisco - Daniel Chan & Gigi Leong) , USA (David Tao), Singapore (JJ) , Malaysia (Fish), Japan (new sensation Thelma Aoyama), & Korea (Boys Bands: CIRCUS & SHINEE, girl group: AFTERSCHOOL), England (up and coming Ballet Performer (Matthew Po)...

The show was fast paced... it did not feel like a long time at all.... the show's hosts, Harlem Yu and Swallow are such veteran variety hosts - they surely made everything fun and go by fast.... It did not matter that we were sitting quite far up.... we were still able to see well enough and enjoy all the production numbers and performances - thank God for 2 Big Screens broadcasting them on both sides of the stage..... it was just a (Hao High!)HIGH EXPERIENCE for me being there and seeing everyone perform LIVE.....

The show will be broadcast come Chinese New Year - first week of February... I cannot wait to see it again!!! Special Thanks to Peilin & Paula for a FUN NIGHT!!!

Newspaper Article Clipping of the Show!

Thanks for the Ticket, Peilin!!!

Thanks for the photos, Paula.... Nice Meeting You!!!

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