Thursday, January 20, 2011

Moody Jewel

The last couple of days, I babysat Jewel for half the day, each day.... the longest I Have had to take care of her.... Wu Papa had to stay back in KHH and could not come back up right away... with no one else around I was IT!!!

The first day was not too bad at all... actually everything went smoothly - as like clockwork - Jewel drank her milk, played with me for a bit, and went to sleep for 3 or more hours each feeding cycle... it was smooth as silk.... and I even got to watch Black Swan and 127 Hours... ADDED BONUS for Baby Sitting.... :))Happy Jewel Talking Non-Stop!!!The following day was a total opposite.... the girl just would not sleep... as if her mission for the day was to make me hold her all day long.... LOL!!! I was LUCKY if she even slept over an hour each drinking cycle... Haiiiiis.... At the end of the evening, I felt sooooo OLD... like my back could not handle it anymore and was IN BADLY NEED of a MASSAGE....
Well, Wu Papa is back again... so am relieved of Babysitting duties for a bit... now it is back to a couple of hours here and there.... WHEW!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to say this, but didn't I tell you a loooooong time ago...BEWARE OF BECOMING THE BABYSITTER. But if you feel obligated to do it, please do draw a line for your own sake (or your back's sake!).
