Monday, January 17, 2011

Lost In Taipei

The past few days found me all alone in Taipei - cold, dreary & rainy Taipei.... David is away on one of his tours.... Jewel, Lyn & Shaun down in Nantou for a family wedding.... and even Wu Papa went back to Kaohsiung to check on his plants and for a little break.... it was a nice quiet break - as there are just times that one needs to be alone for some Peace & Quiet - and be able to REFLECT on THINGS: Life, Family, Work, and just about everything else in between....

and REFLECTING I DID - lots of it.... in fact, so much so I started feeling SO LOST once again.... so many things came back that arose all the feelings of FRUSTRATIONS, BETRAYAL, HOPELESSNESS & DESPERATION... and they HURT just as much as they did, the first time around.... even more so knowing that SOME THINGS, and SOME PEOPLE, JUST NEVER CHANGE....
I tried to alleviate all by going for long bus rides.... trekking here and there... window shopping and snapping some photos... always a FAVE pastime.... but this time around, I just felt soooo LOST, I could not even really concentrate or see what I was taking photos of.... and I know, it was not because the days are GLOOMY... it is all the Dark Clouds hovering over me, blocking the Happiness that should be in my Heart...
Anyway, this weekend I came to realize that what people say is TRUE:
"There are Just Some Things When Broken, Could Never, Ever Be Put Back Together Again.."
A Few Random Shots I Took The Last Couple Of Days...


  1. you, Rudi. Hang in there my friend.

  2. Sending you major hugs and lots of love, Rudi!! Cold, dreary weather is never good for your spirits. Hang in there.
