Saturday, August 14, 2010

with "Amphetamine" - who says Friday the 13th is UNLUCKY!!!

Have always been told to watch out come Friday The 13th.... so many superstitions.... so many things to avoid and look out for.... overall it is to be a very UNLUCKY Day... so most of the time, I try to do little - especially if it involves being out and about... take extra precautions and all...

Well, what could have been a boring nite turned out rather nicely when I decided to see the Premiere showing of AMPHETAMINE on my own.... a brand new, Gay-Themed, movie from Hong Kong director, Scud.... Normally, I do not go run out to see these types of movies when they first come out, often I get disappointed... but after seeing the oh-so-artsy preview a couple of times - I knew I wanted to see it in the big screen....

...and am so very glad I did!!!Not only was it a very nice film.... I got to meet and hang with the leads and the director... YOWZA!!!
A little backstory on how the Nite unfolded for me: I was really hoping my friend would get us tickets for this film, but that did not happen... so later that nite, I decided to still go and see the last showing anyway - not even knowing the Showtime.... I decided, if I get there on time, I get to see it... if not, I at least, can feast on Burger King, which happens to be next door to the cinema... I did not only get there in plenty of time, I was able to treat myself to my Fave Chicken Sandwich at Burger King.... and I got there early enough to ENJOY the Press and Fan Personal Appearance of the movie's director and two male leads.... A COMPLETE SURPRISE, as I knew nothing about it.... I was just ushered into the room... Director Scud was funny and gave insights to the film... and the two male leads are just as charming (and HUNKY!) off screen, as they are on screen.... so this was an added treat, indeed...

MOVIE SYNOPSIS (From the Official Site)
Kafka, a straight fitness trainer meets Daniel, a passionate executive who happens to be gay. The young men fatefully fall in love and believe that their love can bridge anything, even their difference in sexuality and Kafka's drug habits.
Daniel does not regret his love for Kafka, who tries to love him back against his nature. But a dreadful memory from Kafka's past makes it difficult for their relationship to work. It turns out that their addiction to love proves more fatal than the drugs they use to explore the boundaries of their friendship...

The movie was artsy indeed.... great images especially on the dreaming/hallucinating scenes... the storyline was well written enough, and very compelling... I was truly moved and wanted to know more and more about Kafka.... why he turns to Amphetamine? why Daniel, a successful, handsome financier, could stay with Kafka and his addiction? Little by little the story unfolded and all questions were asked.... and keeping true to the movie's TAGLINE: "There is no way to quit a fateful love" - the movie chronicled their love affair: from their fateful meeting, their happy & adrenaline pumping adventures, and right down to their relationships' bittersweet ending...
Don't want to have to give away more of the story... rather, I will just recommend you go out and see the movie... and experience for yourself this emotional roller coaster of a relationship...


Complete Photos Here


  1. The actor/gentleman in the white tee shirt looks adorable. (Just appreciating his good looks ;-P)

    Glad to hear you had fun!

  2. hahahahaha see the movie, Dana and you get to see more of him... all of him, in fact...... very good actor, too.....

  3. Oohhh, I'd feel so naughty seeing ALL of him in a first viewing, LOL. I'll look for the movie though ;-D
