Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Murakami Love!!!

Elle Magazine's August Edition for the Taiwan market boasts Taiwan's reigning POP DIVA, Jolin Tsai on the cover - accompanied by one of my fave, and world re-known artist, Takashi Murakami's signature character -- for their FUN ART Issue!!!

Inside is a 7 pages of GLOSSY COLOR Photos of the collaboration... with Jolin Tsai dressed in various Haute Couture fashions posed against some of Murakami's more well known works.... each and every page - just FABULOUSLY ARTSY if you ask me....

This is actually GREAT as my only complain during the Art Taipei
2010 Exhibition
was that I only got to see 1 work by one of my all time fave artist Takashi Murakami. This almost makes up for the lack of his work in the Exhibition - though it would have been great to have seem all these featured in the magazine in person....

The Only Takashi Murakami on display at the recent Art Taipei 2010 Exhibition. This is a popular print used for Louis Vuitton X Murakami line.


  1. and Jolin is so radiant but quiet skinny too

    your reader
    Leon Koh from singaBore

  2. hi again leon - yes, I AGREE... she is quite tiny and skinny...even more so in person....

    hahahaha... with the amount of travels you make - and the beautiful places you visit - no wonder it is singaBore for you... hahahahahahahaha
