Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mabuhay Philippines!!!

Yesterday, June 30th, 2010 - the Philippines Inaugurated the country's 15th President, Noy Noy Aquino. He is the son of much beloved former President, Cory Aquino & the country's slain martyr that became the symbol for People Power, Ninoy Aquino. Here's hoping that the apple really does not fall far from the tree... and that he can actually do some good for the country - especially curtailing all the corruptions that runs rampantly in all aspects of the government and the nation in all levels...

Of course none of this can be attained without the help, the voice of the people, the Pilipinos... so let's all do our share.... LESS TALK, MORE ACTIONS.... this reminds me of the famous line spoken by a much loved/admired former President of the United States, the late great, John F Kennedy:

"...ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

President Aquino's Full Speech:

Internationally known Filipina Singer singing the Philippine's National Anthem:

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