Friday, July 23, 2010

and then there were 6....

yes yes.... the set is totally complete..... and I could not be HAPPIER.....
Bearbrick X Jimmy Liao X 6 for Hi*Life is in the HOUSE!!!!

You can tell am really into this Premium Toys collection as it took me less than a couple of weeks to complete it all.... with extras to boot..... how did I do it you might ask? well, like a crazy toy addict that I am - I did all I could to get those stickers collected.... remember it was 40 stickers for a FREE one or 15 stickers plus NT$49 for a one... of course I opted for the latter... 15 stickers is easier to collect than having to wait for 40... beside NT$49 is not a bad price to pay... about US$1.50 - these Bearbricks would have costed more if they were regularly issued to begin with...

I had Juliana teach me all the ways to get the stickers just a bit faster.... as their promotions go - was buying Iced Coffee each day as you get double stickers.... plus certain drinks and food products gets double stickers, as well... not to mention, am always scouring around the Hi Life shops for stickers dropped or unwanted... and believe me, I was LUCKY enough to get most of my stickers this way..... sometimes, I laugh at myself as how strange I must look to people always looking on the ground and picking up these stickers.... hahahahahahaha

These three stickers I actually found yesterday afternoon - outside Hi*Life - WEEEEIIIII!!!!

But in the end, I still got antsy, okay antsier, and got the help of another Bearbrick collecting buddy, Sue - who happened upon the collection on Yahoo Taiwan - all 6 in one shot and at a GREAT price.... Juliana and I both jumped right away - fearing that we will not be able to complete the series as, apparently, a couple of designs are harder to get....

so once again, a BIIIIG THANK YOU to Sue!!!


  1. Hahaha! Imagine how much photos you have taken. It had actually taken more than one week for you to post this blog material!!!
    Wow! really proud of you to keep everything as updated as possible...For me, it is just feel less pressure to ask Sue to buy then all at once, or my friends would get crazy of me nagging them to go to hi-life buying things...

  2. wow...nice collection u hv there? wht else u collect?

  3. @ juliana - hahahahaha... that is sooooo funny.... i have since stopped asking people to give me stickers.... keeping a watch out for them on the streets are much easier and more fun...hahahahahaha

  4. @ kenny - Thanks so much... check out my FLICKR account - you can see my other COLLECTIONS/OBSESSIONS there.... just follow the links from this BLOG.....

    thanks for stopping by... what do you collect????
