Friday, May 28, 2010

"Nothing" much - just Janet!!!

So am playing catch up with work and my everyday routine after a week long visit to Manila (dealing with this and that plus family dramas).... upon my return, I did have a nice time showing my cousin Jhay around Taipei for a few days... since his departure yesterday morning, it is back lots of work (emails, shipping, etc) to catch up with... am already all worn out....

So much to BLOG about - but they are all STUCK in my mind... no energy yet to put them down... will get around it soon enough....

I did catch Janet Jackson on American Idol - via You Tube - still HOT as EVER! and I loved the new song she has out for the soundtrack of a Tyler Perry film that she is in - from the looks of the video.... slow grooves - which is just fine for my moods now.... here it is - ENJOY!

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