Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Livin La Vida Openly Gay - Finally!!!

The biggest shocker I woke up to this morning, is an email from my friend Richard Yep, that Ricky Martin (Mr. Shake Your Bom Bom, himself!) FINALLY admitted his homosexuality & well, came out ... okay okay, not much of a SHOCKER as most everyone already knew he is Gay - ever since his MENUDO days, really.... it is more of a shocker that he finally came out - after all these years...

So now, he Officially wears his GAY PRIDE openly!!!

In this MTV Uplugged Video - Mr Martin sings my all time Fave song by him: Lola Lola:


  1. I'm happy for him!

    I really like that photo you posted of him.

  2. Who knew, eh?
    Who knew that he wasnt? Hahahaha

  3. Seems sad that he has to "announce" it or to "confess" to being gay. It should just be that he is and pfft. No biggie. Shrug.

    I "thought" he was probably gay, but it didn't matter because he wasn't my husband or someone I was intimately involved with. I like some of his songs, but his personal life, that was/is his to live as he saw/sees fit. He doesn't owe me or any of his public a particular sexuality. Guess those kinds of demands happen when a person becomes famous.

    His singing and dancing brings fun, color, and excitement to others.
