Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lantern Festival 2010

One of the BEST Festivals/Holidays celebrated in Taiwan has got to be the Annual Lantern Festival! One beautiful float of creative lanterns (all lit up!), after another, are on display for all spectators to revel in. Each year, the festival focuses the welcoming of the current Lunar Year Sign - this year is the Year of the Tiger. So most of the exhibit on displays are on this theme Add Image- Tigers in all forms are celebrated.

This year also focused on the upcoming International Floral Exhibition that will be held in Taipei come Nov 6th thru April 25th, 2011. So along with the many incarnations of the Tiger, floats after floats of were devoted in the promotion of the upcoming International Event. An exhibition of some of the countries participating in the event were on hand, led by Macau.. each country diorama consists of a mini recreation of a particular site that defines the country, surrounded by the country's National Flower, and a little blurb about each nation. For someone who has the TRAVEL BUG like me, it was definitely eye catching!!! I spent a long time just admiring each diorama...


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