Sunday, November 1, 2009


As this is the mponth for the THANKSGIVING Holiday, I decided to atart off with the word UNITY and it's DEFINITION - as we all need a little reminder now and again that, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! Am accompanying it with a photo of these UNI+Y cuties I picked up from FnH - who produced these items in collaboration with the Philippine National Red Cross, proceeds from the SALE goes to help out the TYPHOON VICTIMS.
unity (yo̵̅o̅′nə tē)

noun pl. unities -·ties

the state of being one, or united; oneness; singleness
something complete in itself; single, separate thing
the quality of being one in spirit, sentiment, purpose, etc.; harmony; agreement; concord; uniformity

a unified group or body
the quality or fact of being a totality or whole, esp. a complex that is a union of related parts

an arrangement of parts or material in a work of art or literature, that will produce a single, harmonious effect
a design or effect so produced
constancy, continuity, or fixity of purpose, action, etc.


  1. How cute! Those are all so much fun! And it they're even nicer because they are for a good cause!

  2. My Sentiments exactly, Mary... that is why I LOVE these kind of cuites more.... truly much more meaningful!!!
