Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on SNL

Thank God for YOU TUBE... was able to catch this.... more reason why Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a FAVE and definitely one to WATCH FOR!!!!


  1. cool! i heard about this! thanks for posting

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Rudi! I wanted to catch his skits online. I typically don't stay up for the show -- nor do I want to sit through the whole this (although I have heard that SNL has improved again). :)
    This was a great! I can't wait to see the rest of what he did.
    Just saw another JGL movie - Brick. It was good. I think it would have been more believable if they weren't high school students. But as always, Joseph was great!

  3. wow... pleasure having you come by joan.... love your DELICIOUS BLOG!!!

  4. Hi mary - yes, THANK GOD for YOU TUBE... also the place for me to catch up on just about EVERYTHING!!!

    I have to look that BRICK up... not familiar with that one...
