Friday, October 2, 2009

An Angel In My Mail

Wednesday morning, end of September - I took a break from helping Lyn & Shaun move and went to the Post Office to check my Mail Box.... and to my SURPRISE - a care package from Mary E was there waiting for me... I could not wait to sign for it; get it in my hands and run somewhere to sit so I can tear into it... I knew the FARRAH mags I asked about in a previous blog were going to be in them... I wanted to flip through them and see photos of one of my most beloved icon who recently passed away...

Not only the People Tribute was there, that Mary told me she had alread gotten for me... There was also a VANITY FAIR tribute issue that I did not even know existed... plus, just in time for the WINTER COLD FRONT, BLISTEX for my lips.... hehehehehe... am safe again for another Cold Season.

Then it was time to open up the beautifully wrapped package, within the package, from Mike Dawson... another good friend... he was the only one able to get me the TV GUIDE and to save him on shipping costs to me - I ahd asked hiom to go ahead and send to Mary so they can travel all together... I was a bit puzzled as the package was heavy and a bit large for just a TV GUIDE issus!!!... when I carefully opened - as I wanted to save the wrapping - I found not 1 but 2 copies of the TV GUIDE plus another People Farrah Issue!!! But wait, there's more... there were something else wrapped separately... another magazine... NOPE!!! They were GLOSSIES of beautiful photos of FARRAH from different years.... from a College girl in Texas - through Pre and Post Charlie's Angels years... some of the photos of course, being an avid fan, I quickly recognized but there were other outtakes too from different shoots.... some I ahve never seen before published anywhere... WHAT A TREAT!!!
Mary & Mike - I could not THANK YOU GUYS enough for sending me this WONDERFUL package... it is not everyday one gets an ANGEL in the mail (^_*)... WIll Love and Treasure them all -- even more so, as they came from you guys!!!

Rest of the Photos Here


  1. Excellent! That didn't take long to get to you at all. I never know with Priority. Those glossies are really nice.
    I thought from the weight of the wrapped items that you were getting a second People Magazine. I knew you'd love that. You can even cut out pictures from one of them if you wanted. Or keep them both in mint condition to look at for years to come. :)
    I'm glad it got to you before you left too!

  2. Thank you for sharing the photos...So envious cuz you have so many good friend...^_^ I only get care package from CECILIA (when I was in London).

  3. @ Mary.... I really am enjoying the read... nice bedtime reads.... Thanks Again!!!! LOVE YA!!!

  4. @ Sue - yes, am very appreciative.... as am sure you are.... see u soon...
