Monday, July 13, 2009

Vanity Strikes...

Looking back, I was hating the way my hair was soooo flat in all the TOY FEST photo - so on this weird weathered Monday morning, I just had to go for a haircut....

Am happy again... Lols, how a decent haircut can change one's mood... Now on to gaining a few POUNDS as am tired of hearing how skinny I am... waaah, just as when I reached my WEIGHT GOAL.....

VANITY - Never Ending Torture, really!!!


  1. I like the cut. It looks good. You look good! You don't need to gain or lose weight! You look just right!!

    Also I wouldn't say it's vanity -- it's just taking pride in one's appearance. :)


  2. I agree with Mary! I think you look great just as you are! You don't look too skinny to me; as she said, you look just right. And I like your hair both ways! :)

  3. Hiya Mary & Michelle -- Thank You Both for the kind words.... and the HONESTY, always can count on you guys.... Love Ya Both!!!
