Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last Words For June

Last day of June - depending on where you are it is either the beginning of Summer (Taiwan); the middle of the Summer (USA) or the end of Summer (Philippines)... No Matter where you may be, I only wish that you are all well - and all is going as smooth as they could be... and that you are finding Happiness...

On that note, I leave you a couple of quotes on LIFE & HAPPINESS... words to ponder over - words to live by...

-from the Dalai Lama:
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."

-and this one from my very good friend, Mary E:
"...if you're able to find some happiness for yourself and bring a little happiness to others, then you're living a good life."
-and my very own stance on Happiness:

"Find happiness in anything and everything you do & see in life... no matter how small or simple they may be.... as sometimes, the small things in life is what gives us the biggest pleasures."

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