Thursday, May 21, 2009

she's baaaaack!!!!

Presenting: Dynamite Girl Susie
after a year HIATUS, our baby is back... she's not only as good as before but even better...

after we suffered the BIG LOSS that I Blogged about back in NOV, I almost gave up hope in continuing on with Susie... after all, how are we to produce her when her molds were stolen from us along with everything else... Am so THANKFUL for my dear friends , Jason Wu, David Buttry, Percy Newsum -- for giving Susie another lease on life... and for making me realize once again, how this world of dolls, are filled with really nice and caring people.

Extra SHOUT OUTS to Mary, Larraine, Juliana & Pat Henry for always keeping me on the right track... I appreciate all the pep talks that kept me going.... and going... and going....

And of course, all of you who have supported Susie & us, R&D, all these years... We APPRECIATE EVERYTHING and LOVE YOU ALL!!!

More Updated Photos Here.


  1. Thanks Rudi, you are a sweetheart and I am sooooo glad to see our Susie gal back!!!

  2. Hi Rudi and David!!!

    So happy Susie is back!
    Will be pre ordering her soon!
    She is gorgeous - you and David and the Integrity team did a fantastic job!
    She's everything I hoped for!


  3. Hiya Larraine.... i almost canot believe, too... she is here!!!! well, in a couple of weeks anyway... hahahahahahahaha

  4. HIya Vin..... Thanks again for all the support & friendship over the years.... and thanks for following signing up to follow my BLOG... hope u will not get bored.... just random things in my life... hahahahaha

    Hope all is well with you....
