Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i can see clearly now....

okay after months and months of being in DENIAL - I FINALLY broke down and got my eyes checked.... was told something I already knew... I NEED READING GLASSES... too much computer time am told - so I BLAME IT ON - BLOGGING... lols....

Here's the New IMPROVED Me...
or MAYBE NOT... hahahahahaha


  1. dusty06You look as adorable as ever! AND very scholarly..a great combination: Hot guy with brains!!!

  2. Excellent choice, Rudi! They look good on you. (I really have to get to the eye doctor myself. I know I need reading glasses too.)

  3. @ Norita: you are really much too kind, Norita... HUGS!!!!

  4. @ Mary : Just GO FOR IT, Mary!!! as you can see, you will not be alone...we are all getting there..... (^_*)....
