Thursday, April 30, 2009

Again by John Legend

Okay, so he's been around for a few years now with Ordinary People being one of his biggest hits - but i really just got to listen to him last month when I saw him guest on ELLEN's show singing GREENLIGHT... this whole month, i must have overplayed all his songs and boy, am I loveing him: his voice... his music.... my faves are SAVE ROOM, (PDA)We Just Don't Care. and this one below: AGAIN... sit back, close your eyes and hit play....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i can see clearly now....

okay after months and months of being in DENIAL - I FINALLY broke down and got my eyes checked.... was told something I already knew... I NEED READING GLASSES... too much computer time am told - so I BLAME IT ON - BLOGGING... lols....

Here's the New IMPROVED Me...
or MAYBE NOT... hahahahahaha

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Here's hoping that this EASTER SUNDAY will bring you all Great Health, Much Love and loads of Happiness!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

...and something to PONDER on over Easter Week...

Just sharing a favorite writing by Seth channeled by Jane Roberts. It is about violence, violence not only in physical action but also in mind and words.

"There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. Those who indulge in violence for whatever reasons are themselves changed, and the purity of their purpose adulterated."

"I have told you that if you do not like the state of your world, it is yourselves that you must change, individually and en masse. This is the only way that change will be affected."

"If your generation or any generation effects a change, this is the only way it will be done. What i am telling you has been said before through the centuries. It is up to you as to whether or not you will listen."

"It is wrong to curse a flower and wrong to curse a man. It is wrong to hold any man in honor, and it is wrong to ridicule any man. You must honor yourselves and see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality. If you do not do this, then you will destroy what you touch. And you must honor each other individual also, because in him is the spark of eternal vitality.

"When every young man refuses to go to war, you will have peace. As long as you fight for gain and greed, there will be no peace, As long as one person commits acts of violence for the sake of peace, you will have war. Unfortunately it is difficult to imagine that all young men in all countries will refuse to go to war all at the same time. And so you must work out the violence that violence has wrought, Within the next hundred years that time may come. Remember, you do not defend an idea with violence."

"There is no man who hates but that that hatred is reflected outward and made physical. And there is no man who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical."

by Seth

something to make u smile....

now and again, we all can use something like so to break the monotony of life... to take time and enjoy life.... and to put all our troubles away and just sing a son...

-if only LIFE can be as easy, breezy, as putting on a musical...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Colour My World

Spring Fling: With the nicer weather already becoming more and more visible in Taipei... it is time once again to put away the jackets, sweaters and scarves, and to bring out the lite coats, tees, shorts in all lengths....

Couple this with being told to stick to bright colors for the year, after having my sign read - am all ready for a totally new WARDROBE MAKEOVER... adding colors, bright colors but still sticking to a few black, grey & white classic pieces....

Of course, I first look to my tried and true FAVES... so here's a few looks I have my eyes on...
Lacoste & PS by Paul Smith

Now, if I can only win that LOTTO already....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Coach Again!

Parker Joins Penelope!!! As I got the 2nd figure offered through the Marie Claire Magazine... Now all I need is Katy & Zoe... God Only knows where I might find them though - as I cannot find info anywhere telling me where to look... boo hoo.... Still am quite HAPPY as now I have three, including the COACH EVENT SPECIAL - as I Previously Blogged..
The Line Up. One is a MYSTERY design.

Friday, April 3, 2009

No Place Like - AUSTRALIA

An instant CLASSIC, if you ask me... just like one of the classics from the Golden Years of Hollywood. Just as uber talented director, Baz Luhrmann revived the musical with Moulin Rouge, he does so the romantic-epic of yesteryear with this movie, Australia.

Broad accents, fake looking sets, really fine costuming, heightened melodrama & a bit on the cheesy side comedy - those, plus the ever luminous, and still very much underrated, Nicole Kidman (can anyone look this beautiful all dirtied up?) and the oh-s-manly (also very underrated and under used in Hollywood), Hugh Jackman (it is to say that they are both real FAVES of mine!) - I could not ask for a more entertaining film. Best seen in a BIG SCREEN! Plus look closer, and you will see familiar faces from Mr Luhrmann's other films... or better put, a who's who in the Australian cinema. I should also note that, besides the beautiful land down under, another reason to see the film is Brandon Walters - the Aboriginal boy at the center of the story. A naturally gifted actor...

Set in northern Australia during the World War II years, the film addresses the country's historical relationship with it's Aboriginal people. So go see it with an open mind - it is a beautifully captured film, with a great historical story to boot.. Rewarding in every way.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

aDiDaS originals

Okay, so am totally obsessing on the new VESPA/ADIDAS collaboration line.... saw it here in Taiwan a few months ago... and just earlier last month, was reminded again while am in Manila... just love the retro look and feel of the whole line....


I WANT IT ALL!!! (wish it was my BDAY already -- so I can BEG for them - WISHFUL THINKING! hahahahahaha)

For now, am enjoying the 60th ANNIVERSARY PARTY AD.... lots of celebrity in the spot...david bechham, missy elliot, katy perry, kevin garnett, etc... try to see if you can catch them....