PENELOPE CRUZ Wins An Oscar -- and I could not be HAPPIER!!!
as I blogged about the her movie -- Vicky, Christina, Barcelona -- Hollywood finally got it right, and put Penelope Cruzin a movie that showcases her raw talents, instead of the usual, pretty girlfriend roles -- something that Pedro, Almodovar (check out Volver, where she was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar & All About My Mother) and other foreign directors (see Jamon, Jamon & Abre Sus Ojos), have always known and done so...
I knew you would be so happy when she won!! I still need to see the movie. I tend to wait for the DVDs to come out -- and sometimes longer. I'll make a point of seeing this one.
u must, u must, mary... I guarantee you will LOVE it.... and do look for "jamon, jamon" as well -- one of her earliest films, ever....