Monday, January 5, 2009

XMas Eve : Dec 24th, 2008

So am back at work in Taiwan... actually, part work... part getting in the midst of all the wedding preps, still... that one is coming up this weekend but that's for another blog... for now it is all about last XMAS...

This year marks the first yerar that Ace, my nephew, took over KITCHEN duties as he prepared most of our food... of course, Nanay could not help herself, and still cooked and prepared some of the dishes.... the rest he let Ace took reign and just supervised....

We picked David up at the airport late afternoon... then we all had a bit of the apple pie, just to whet our appetites for things to come that nite... showered and got ready for the Evening Mass, very Catholic household here... it was a very lovely service... the Priest had a beautiful voice and sang most of the service... I Loved It -- always the best part of going to church for me, THE MUSIC!

The back to the house for our XMas dindin... so much food... and BEST of all, so much LAUGHTER -- as all XMasses should be.... after dinner, it was time to open up presents.... chatting and kidding about... then back to eating again.... and AS ALWAYS, david is the first casualty of the nite and went right to sleep in the midst of all the holiday commotions...

More Holiday Fun Photos Here

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