Friday, December 5, 2008

For We Need A Little XMas!

Since yesterday's post was a bit of a downer.. I thought I would turn it around a bit and post something light and XMassy... First a photo of our Little XMas corner here in Taipei, it's only little as we spend our XMasses in Manila each and every year.... so it is just this tiny gold wired tree, a Princely coin bank, and a couple of early XMAS presents from Juliana already.... ow for the real Xmas Decor:
Not once - ever since I moved out of my parents' home - did I repeat the same theme for my annual XMas Tree.... it was just something that I did and became somewhat of a TRADITION for me... must be because growing up I kept having to put up the same tree and decorations each year....

Over the years I have done various themes - some turned out nicely (like my ODE to BAXTER -- POLAROIDS of him with my different friends who got to meet him and gold DOGGIE Biscuits) and some were disastrous (like my RECYCLING theme (everyone thought it looked like TRASH!)... i have had them in green, white and even black! Hung them on the wall, upside down from the ceiling, you name it.... oh well, YOU WIN SOME, YOU LOSE SOME... no matter, as I am pretty much happy with whatever I do...

This year, in Manila, am doing GREEN... all because of the Paper Mache' Holy Family I found at Rustan's back in OCT.... so I built on that... actually am still building on that -- as my tree is not quite finished yet... LOLs... so am sharing some photos here....

Last Year's COPPER colored theme:

Music Playlist at

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