Friday, November 28, 2008

L.E.G.O., who knew???

It has been so long since I walked down the LEGO aisle of any Toy Shops - I was soooo AMAZED to see how much they have really evolved!!! Really Cool LEGO Exhibition at High Street, The Fort... I was told by the exhibitioners that it should be running through the end of DEC -- so it will be AMAZING more XMAS shoppers, for sure.... Go See it if you have the chance guys... and Enjoy!!!

We happened upon this LEGO exhibition, when my friend, Juliana and I, went to meet a few of her family friends at High St. in the Fort Bonifacio District on Nov. 24th...


  1. I love LEGOs. They are so much fun. The displays look cool. People get so creative with them - it's amazing.

  2. I never knew how much fun they are.... as a little kid I did not get the cool stuff... so seeing these was a total treat!!!
