Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aaaaah Youth!

The time spend last weekend with Shaun's family in the Nantou County, made such an impression on me... most especially Jeff/Ben/Winner -- lovingly referred to as, Xiao Pang...

Meeting & hanging out with Xiao Pang made me appreciate and think back a whole lot to my childhood... and being young....
-A time when one does not care so much about many things that troubles us in our adulthood... things such as Politics, Religions, Sexual Orientation, Status, Brand Names, Skin Colors, etc....
-A time when we all feel, for the most part, INVINCIBLE -- that we can climb trees, walls, and other heights and no harm can come to us....
-A time when we just say whatever it is that comes to mind and nothing will be misconstrued -- as all will be relegated to naiveness, curiosity, or just plain, Youth!
-A time when we need not worry about responsibilities, getting a job, raising a family, giving back to the community, fitting into our own niche in the world...
-A time where play time rules our daily life... friends and toys matters the most.... as well as, our favorite chocolates, snacks and of course, Saturday morning cartoons....

Oh how I MISS those times.... and yes, though am happy with where I am in my life right now, for the most part anyway, I still think it would be so cool if I can just relieve the HAPPY TIMES, even for just a little while... Alas, we all know that is not possible unless we live in a dream world... or the world of movie magic....

Oh Well, I do still have my precious memories... and I HOPE they never, ever fade away -- as our Youth Fades, in due time....
A Bit of Fun with Xiao Pang!


3 on Youth!

An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young”
-Oscar Wilde

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
-Sophia Loren

“In youth we learn; in age we understand.”
- Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

1 comment:

  1. Remember what he said??
    "oh... you speak english, and he speaks it too, so why not hold your hands together to check out the night market..?" and he goes "oh it is +very high+"....
    i will always remember him... and now i now how a child is the hope of the doubt about it.
