Tuesday, July 1, 2008

why do I Blog???

First of July.... the beginning of the second half of the year..... I would like commemorate it by addressing a question a contact posed to me a few days ago: "Why do you open yourself to the public this way? Why are you so open? And why subject yourself to comments and skewering by your contacts / readers?"

Ever since I can remember, I have been pretty much like an open book.... I have written journals here and there.... excerpts of which were read in my English/Literature classes from time to time - as they so fit.... not once have I cared how others would perceive me... it is more an expression of what I am, how am feeling, and what am going through.... For the most part it is for the sole purpose of writing down my thoughts which later on I can read, and reread, again and again.... ponder on where I have been... what I have done... and possibly have an idea of where am going....

I use blogging as a tool to keep up with my friends and family... keep them UPDATED with my whereabouts; plus what and where I am in my life.... a person like me who travels and move around so much... who lives, most of the time far from home , family and friends -- it is always a good way to keep in touch and stay close by to my love ones....

But another aspect of why I write or keep a blog is because I have always been the kind of person who believes in the art of communicating and sharing... reaching out and hopefully whatever am saying/writing resonates with people - even just a bit.... There is a certain join that comes with others sharing my dreams and nightmares; happiness and loneliness; favorites and pet peeves; triumphs and failures; loves and despairs; and everything else in between....

Keeping up with BLOGS also doubles as an outlet for creativity...
-and isn't the nature of creativity to catch someone's imagination or attention... embed itself in another person's life and in a way, making a mark in the world... -and do we not all wish, in our own ways, to be able to leave marks, traces of our lives, in this big old world. A world that seems to be shrinking by the day - thanks to the help of AVIATION, MEDIA & CYBERSPACE...

Friendster, BLOGSPOT, FACEBOOK,and so many others are examples of great places in the CYBERSPACE to reach out.... and make one's mark in this world. With your own blog - you can be whomever you want to be - but it is BEST if you stay TRUE to yourself.... to be REAL! You can talk about anything and everything.... get it all out... get it off your chests.... don't matter if anyone is listening or reading.... it is a form of release and it does help - A LOT - when it comes to staying sane....

So there you have it - reasons why I BLOG.... so FAIR GAME.... all your comments are WELCOME - there are no BAD COMMENTS - unless of course, they are just pure EVIL, VINDICTIVE, and SPITEFUL.... so never feel that you have to HOLD BACK with me.... as long as your SHARING IDEAS and FEELINGS, they are all much appreciated....

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