Thursday, July 24, 2008


I ask about your STANCE on FOREVER.... Do you believe there is such a thing??? and why??? what is your DEFINITION of FOREVER???

NOTE: this is brought on by my 16 year old niece, Ameera (and her recent BLOG entry), who is now in college - following the footsteps of her Kuya Ace... taking up HRM @ MAPUA..... she has been going out with the same boy from her Montessori HS days for about two years now... and recently, been going though rough times, as they are both in collecge and going to different schools.... she has taken up BLOGGING, as like me, she basically wears her heart on her sleeves....

anyway, I find it interesting that at the tender age of 16, she talks so much about FOREVER.... professing Forever Love.... promising Forever Devotion.... etc..... so it got me to think about MY STANCE on the subject:

I DO believe in FOREVER.... but for me FOREVER is however long one has/had with the other person... be it a lifetime or just a month... that is our Forever...

When I love someone, I love fully... so Togetherness Forever automatically comes into the picture... but circumstances are never the way we Imagined or wished them to be - most of the time... and more so than never, we part ways... but the person touched my heart, became a part of my life already... and FOREVER will be in your Thoughts and Heart... even if not in my Life!

"forever may not be long,
but if you take the chance,
to experience some form of romance,
thats long enough to know..."

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