okay... I have been accused of FAVORITISM.... I DENY it, of course.... but maybe, just maybe, I am GUILTY (a tad bit!).... this is in regards to my nephews and nieces -- in particular my nephew, Ace.... it seems he always gets away with things with me... one bat of his eyes and I give in to his whims.... okay, not so much as to spoiling him with no ends... I am still sane enough (I HOPE!) to know where to draw some lines....
Not really sure what it is.... maybe it was because I was in the delivery room when he was born... that I even cut his umbilical cord... maybe it is because I see so much of myself in him... as well as when he was still a young boy - people would always mistake him for my son as we do/did look so much alike....
In FAIRNESS though, I would have to say that for the most part, he does not ask for too much... or ask for things a lot of the times.... that is why when he does, you cannot help but give in - if it's still within reasons... He never fights back...and just keep quiet when you are lecturing him... all of a sudden his eyes would swell up which would make me stop -- as I know I have already hit his limits....
Ace is always fun to be with.... always coming up with silly things and funny things for me, and everyone else to LAUGH at.... and he does not even mind making a fool of himself - in order to make people laugh -- to this extent, am very HAPPY and PROUD to say, that we are so much alike... here's an example of what am talking about... ENJOY!!!
NOTE: Ace is now 21, no longer a little boy... but I suppose, a part of me will always see him as that... and in a way, a big part of him is still like that... which I hope he does not ever lose.... He is currently on his last year at MAPUA University in Manila... taking up HRM.... He is even LUCKY enough to have found a very sweet, kind hearted GF in Gretchen -- who is now basically part of the family........
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