Monday, June 8, 2015

Another Year Older

Yes, that's right...  Am a year older once more...  
As always, One can only hope that am wiser, too...
So much has happened the last year...  Some setbacks, dramas, and heartaches....  But Am Thankful that for the most part, the good and the Blessings outweighs all the negativities and bad things.  

I think the two biggest things that I am happy I have learned this past year are, to quote Elsa, "to just "Let It Go!"  This past year, i have learned to 1) just ignore all the negative people...  To still be polite but keep away from their  dramas.... To not be dragged...    
And 2)  I have learned that there is no helping some...  It is best to let them be, to let them find their own way...  As helping makes matters worse - makes them worse as people.
It seems the older I get, the more accepting I am of things and of people's attitudes.  I just keep doing what I do best...  And that's living my own life..  Loving those whom I love...   Helping and doing what I can... Accepting those I cannot change...  Ignoring the Haters and the Gossip Mongers...  And most of all, never letting anyone take away my SMILE or change the way I want to see the world.
Thank you to my family, friends, and acquaintances for being a part of my life...  For inspiring me..,,  and for keeping me Real and Smiling!  Here's to more years of togetherness, sharing Positivities and Good Vibes...  And spreading Kindness and Smiles around - and just Be Happy....  After all, "The Best Things In Life Are Free!!!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Swimming with Juju!

"Am Just A Little Girl!"
Conversations with Juju
2nd June 2015

Swimming with Juju is getting a lot more fun now...  Little by little, she is getting braver and braver...  The last few times, am able to get her to swim with her paddle board in the longer pool - where people really do laps... Longer and deeper...

We compromise, 10 laps - a snack break  - then another 10 laps.  One way I swim back float pulling her...  the  other way she kicks with the board on her own...  10Xs laps, then break to eat her cookies n drink then 10 laps again!!!  

She did not complain at all or pretend to be scared and ask me to hold her...  So i kept telling her she is doing good - to which she replies: "I am Supergirl".  

In the last few laps though she was getting slower.  So I was telling her: "OMG, what happened Supergirl, why are you getting slow?"  She stopped kicking, looked me straight in the eyes and said without blinking: " Am just a little girl, you know!"  Then continued on with her lap.

I laughed so much...  I was so elated with our swim, i forgot that she IS just a little girl!😜😜😜
Yep..  We try to make everyday and everything FUN!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June Again!!!

It's s June once again... Almost half a year over..  And it means  I will be a yeal older again...  Ouuuuuch!!!  

But such is life...  I can only hope am getting wiser with time... Last moth was a bit trying..  Too many dramas - family n work.... I hope June will be a better month - and if not, will just do what I always do, GO WITH THE FLOW!!!

Starting off the wek, the month with what 
I like Best - burning off the Monday Blues ( and a few calories too, I hope..) at the Gym.

Have a great month of June all!!!