Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And just in case...

.. You are not an Aaron Kwok Fan - there is plenty to Choose from.. :)
A couple of BLUE Bois!
Random Model!
Tom Daley Goofing Off!
Eddie Peng for Men's Health Magazine!

Totally Warrants A Follow Up!

Just IMAGES from Aaron Kwok's recent concerts... This Boy Is On Fire... Actually should say "this man", as he nears 50... But he could give bois half his age or younger a run for their money...

Aaron Kwok is a Singer, Dancer, Actor, Style Icon, and a Certified Hunk - at any age!!!
And that is why he is back for a 2nd week in a row entry for Hump Day!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

Another Big Event Day at St Christopher's Church today....  that being Palm Sunday....  last Sunday before Christ's Crucifixion and the Sunday before Easter....    It is the Sunday that marks the beginning of the Holy Week, the week of events leading up to Jesus' death..... 
Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The gospels record the arrival of Jesus riding into the city on a donkey, while the crowds spread their cloaks and palm branches on the street and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" to honor him as their long-awaited Messiah and King. 
Today in modern times, a somewhat reenactment of this takes place as each of us attendees, come with our very own Palm Branches that gets blessed over with Holy Water by the presiding priest...  in honour of the revered day.
I love attending and witnessing such events....  there is always a much more feeling of togetherness/oneness with the other churchgoers.... and what we do celebrate adds another sentimental touch to the services...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

iPhone 5. Yeah Baby!

Just another case point about the saying: "Meant To be, Meant To Be..."

My iPhone 4's been acting up the last month or so...  All of a sudden, Camera hanging (must be overused as it is what I use more with the phone...); buttons not functioning now and again...; and the last week, No one could hear me speak - though i can hear them Perfectly fine...

With 4 months more into my Program Contract... And the Warranty expiring after the first year - things were looking bad... Took the phone to Apple, they could Not find anything wrong, as when using LINE, I can talk, hear and be heard by everyone no problem whatsoever.. They told me to go back to my Server Carrier.. That it could be the line itself, or the SIM card... 3 places and a day of walking in the heat of the sun later - i was told that i would need to leave it and have it fixed... And that it would cost a whopping $150 to $200 US to fix.. All these without even really testing my phone.. Just did what I told them to do... Call from the line, and call through LINE... WHOAH!!! Needless to say I was a bit miffed... Well, a lot!!!

So I called who I know could help.. I normally would just let it be, but my Chinese Astrology said I need to ask for help when I can... And am glad I did... Not only did I get help, I was even able to replace the iPhone4 with an iPhone5.... Needless to say, I am now one Happy Camper!!!

Of course, with the new phone comes new worries... Updating... Downloading FAVE APPS... And protective wear for my baby... All manageable in due coarse... Getting all the updates and downloads done little by little... And so far, i have not one but four, yes four fun cases / skins / covers for my baby!!!
First one purchsed was this CUTE Jimmy Liao case....  fun, nice shade of blue
and it does go well with my Jimmy Liao Be@rbricks!!!
Then, I could not help but break down for these three....  Duckie,
OWL by Marc Jacobs, & Mustache
By far my most FAVE to date:  OWL
Marc by Marc Jacobs

Want To See Him!!!

Forty Plus Hong Kong Superstar, and a personal FAVE of mine since the '80's, is Unstoppable!!! I still remember frequenting Chinatown and Clement Shopping district in San Francisco just to get his latest Record/CD/DVD - and if I dig hard enough, I know I still have them - and see his movies....  and this addiction continued on and was even more heightened when I moved to Taiwan, where he is very much loved....  it seems it was one of his early commercials made in Taiwan that caught on and got a lot of attention - then the rest is history, as they say....

He is back with another SOLD OUT SPECTACULAR SHOW! Yes, more than a concert - it is ALWAYS A SUPER SHOW!!!
This time around, besides the dinging and dancing, prancing about and looking good, thrilling both male and female fans - Aaron Kwok is doing some fancy acrobatics in his show, ala Cirque Du Soleil.. And all I can say is: "bring that show over to Taiwan so I can see already"!!!

Of course, he is as Hot as Ever! Even more dashing as he matures nicely... More manly and sexier - giving us folks reasons to strive even harder in keeping fit & healthy... And this warrants a Hump Day Showcase here!
and below are a few shots from his past concerts, the last 2 years... 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's a choice!

But if you choose to follow, it's all Good!!!