So if you are looking for a fun escape movie - give this one a chance.... you will definitely be able to deal with the summer heat a whole lot better.....
Friday, April 30, 2010
"Hot SUmmer Days" : The Movie
So if you are looking for a fun escape movie - give this one a chance.... you will definitely be able to deal with the summer heat a whole lot better.....
CoCo Chanel Says...
-Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.
-Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.
-Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
-Great loves too must be endured.
-Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.
-There are people who have money and people who are rich.
-The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
David LaChapelle: World Tour Exhibition
A FAVE Piece of mine is the very large "The Deluge", his take on Michelangelo's great fresco in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A video montage is even shown on the making of this particular piece.... from casting call to the actual shoot.... Just Amazing!!!
Part of "The Deluge" panel.
Another favorite section of mine is the "Jesus is My Homeboy" series, done during the early 2000's... here Mr LaChapelle envisions Jesus Christ reborn in present day, preaching his gospel. Mr. LaChapelle placed him as a man of the people and the streets - preaching and caring for the downtrodden and not the high society elite.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
David LaChapelle in Taipei!!!
never "disappear"
Monday, April 26, 2010
Evian X Designers
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
adios (for now) ace....
Remember: We are already Proud of You... and feel BLESSED to have you in our lives - near or far.... So just MAKE YOURSELF PROUD - you need not prove anything to any of us... only to yourself!
all as they should be
here comes the Sushi man....
As always, the trip is hurried, tiring but still a lot of FUN!!!
Laifu Day Photos Here
Sushi Outing Photos Here
Thursday, April 22, 2010
i Heart P.S. Bunny
Thanks Again Michelle!!! Will love him dearly.... but you already know that.... (^_*)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
like father, like son
Recently, while visiting his grave - I was surprised by one of the SISTER's (NUN) who knew my Dad while he was still alive.... she ran to me and told me that at first, she thought she was seeing my Dad's apparition... only upon coming closer that she realised it was me....
and even more recent, as in just a couple of days ago - my Tita Mariza found me on Facebook - she is my Dad's youngest sister and I did spend some time living with her back in Manila.... anyway, she added me as a contact and had this wonderful words to say: "Hi Rudi or Dodle (my forgotten ICKY nickname). thanks for accepting me in your facebook. I'm glad to see u n have communication with u. Pogi ka pa rin. (Still Handsome - LOLs!) U look like your dad n Tito Manny. (my Dad's youngest brother)" This TRULY gave me a sense of happiness.... and put a biiig smile on my face.... I mean, if my Tita said it - my Dad's sister - then it must really be TRUE!!! so Thanks Tita - thank you for finding me and for the kind words... now and again, it is soooo wonderful to have another link to my Dad... and to know that we are closer than I remembered us to be....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
oh well, back to square one.... lot's of catching up to do... so be warned - and be sure to check back all the time.... Blogging galore here, for sure.... hahahahaha
saw this on a store window campaign - and just LOVE it.... I COMPLETELY AGREE, especially on the 2nd one...
what's HOT for you???
Monday, April 5, 2010
am late....
No Easter Egg hunt, no Picnics.... but overall, the trip was nice and relaxing.... fun with Laifu and the nephews.... ATE a LOT (as always).... and enjoyed WU Papa's beautiful garden, and Wu Mama's funny antics.... Tried going to church Easter Sunday but strangely enough, the one that I wanted to go to was closed... LOL, closed on Easter Sunday!!! that was a first for me....
Guess my only complain was the trip back up to Taipei.... what should have been a 6HR journey actually took us 11HRS!!! Needless to say am tired, so will be logging off and going to sleep now.... just wanted to drop off this BELATED EASTER GREETING.... hope you all had a nice Easter Celebration...
Friday, April 2, 2010
well being the, "not such a good Catholic Boy that I am", I had to turn to the NET for the simplest explanations to give - and I think I got one - According to WikiAnswers (interesting):
Good Friday is the day commemorating Jesus Christ's death on the cross, which is probably to be dated April 3, A.D. 33. In the liturgical calendar of the Western church, the Friday before Easter. The exact origins of the name are uncertain; some argue it stems from the use of "Good" as an adjective applied to the day, which is an Old English synonym for "holy." Others argue it is a corruption of the word "God", in the same way that "Good Bye" comes from the phrase "God be with ye".
Christians believe the day is "good" because the message of Easter is of Christ's victory over sin, death, and the devil; as the Apostle Paul wrote "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us." It is believed that, in Jesus' death on the cross, He took once and for all the sins of all mankind upon Himself, in our place. "This gift He extends to everyone who will believe in Him. Believing in the Good News of the Gospel (Jesus, son of God, who died and was raised again) is our hope."
However, the term "Good Friday" is only used by Western Christians, and not by Eastern Orthodox Christians. The Orthodox refer to this sacred day as "Great and Holy Friday
Jason Mraz: He Gives a Damn!!!
Check out Jason's PSA in support of marriage equality for the Give a Damn Campaign! Launched today by Cyndi Lauper and her True Colors Fund, the Give a Damn Campaign is focused on getting everyone, especially straight people, involved in advancing gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues.
See Others who GIVE A DAMN - and while you're at it - why not JOIN IN and show that you also GIVE A DAMN!!!