Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bad Romance - Oh My!!!

Lady gaga sings:
"I want your Ugly, I want your Disease.... I want your everything as long as it's free...
I want your Love..."

CATCHY SONG (so just about everyone & everywhere is humming along to it!) BUT WHAT LYRICS.... if this is the NEW KIND OF LOVE -THEN I DO NOT WANT IT!!!!

Be@rbrick Collection Update

with the current release of SERIES 19, and the help of Sue n Cecilia (thanks Again!), I was able to add a bit more to the ever growing Be@rbrick collection... so the two cases looks a bit fuller...

Just a little background, each series basically includes 10 regular bricks - representing the 10 series (Basic, Jellybean, Pattern, Flag, Horror, Science Fiction, Cute, Animal, and a couple of Artists) that are part of each series... but there will also be an BLIND (SPECIAL ITEM) issued that one can usually acquire for a PREMIUM price or by buying a whole case pack... since I do not have $$$ to spare on buying a case pack plus I am not even collecting each series, i tend to just buy this and that but this series proved to be a downfall as am basically in love with each one of them... i thought i really was in love with the STAR TREK one but upon seeing the line up - all cautions went out the window... so far I have acquired 7 out of the 10... and am still searching for the others, especially after seeing Juliana's Blind Box Item and Sue's BAD ROBOT - 1 of the 10 from this year. So for now, here it is... the current state of my Be@rbrick Collection.

Monday, January 25, 2010

"The bad thing about words is that they make us feel as if we were illuminated and understanding everything. But, when we turn and face the world, we see that reality is completely different from that which we discussed or heard.."

"...rainy days & mondays..."

"...always gets me down"....

so the song goes.... fitting for this Monday morning when it is raining like Cats & Dogs once more.... so much so, so gloomy, that it should get one down...

but not ME,

am FIGHTING it all the way....
instead I will look for the RAINBOW!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something Nice....

...To Ponder Over This Sunday Morning!!!
“For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness, For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people, For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry, For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. Remember, as you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.”

Saturday, January 23, 2010

the HEAT is ON!

well, not in rainy Taipei... just in photos ARMANI unveils their newest underwear ADs with another footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, replacing David Beckham as the spokes model...Don't know about you all, but am sticking to good ole BECKS.... he is still HOTTER!!!
Hope this starts your weekend off well....

Friday, January 22, 2010

and a couple more - just for laughs....

"For all those men who say,'why buy the cow when you can get the milk free'. Here's an update for you! Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!!!! "
This Photo Cracks Me Up whenever I come across it...Oh Well... Go Figure!


weThink, weShare: 7 Types of Romantic Love

HECK!!! am not even one of the 7 TYPES.... what to do????
How About You - can you pick out which one you are? would you DARE to admit?

1. HOPEFUL OR ESCAPIST LOVE: When we fall in "love" (or something like it) because we imagine that the person we've fallen for will transform our lives, figuratively--in the sense of relieving our existential or psychological suffering--but often literally as well.

2. SAVIOR-COMPLEX LOVE: When we fall in "love" (or something like it) because we think that we can "save" the love object. Kind of the flip-side of escapist love.

3. SELF-LOATHING LOVE: When we fall in "love" (or something like it) because the other person treats us just as badly or as negligently as we think we deserve. (An extreme example of this would be a relationship where some kind of abuse--emotional, vituperative, physical--occurs frequently.) This is roughly the opposite of narcissistic love.

4. REDEMPTIVE LOVE: When we fall in "love" (or something like it) because we think the love object will redeem us--that his love will mean that our own lives are worthy or meaningful. Similar to escapist love, but maybe a bit more extreme, and less concerned with any literal transformation. (Cf. Dostoevsky.)

5. PRACTICAL LOVE: When we fall in "love" (or something like it) because we recognize that the other person has similar values and similar life goals, and we think that he or she can help us attain them.

6. ANATOMICAL LOVE: When we fall in love (or something like it) because the love object is so different, so exotic. He or she does things so differently from the way we do things that we are mesmerized and captivated. A.k.a.: the love that happens when "opposites attract." The opposite of narcissistic love.

7. NARCISSISTIC LOVE: When we fall in love (or something like it) because we see our own favorite qualities in the love object.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

aaah the simple pleasures of life....

just a few RANDOM things that's keeping me HAPPY, BUSY, and FAT lately...

A daily dose of VITAMIN C & CHERIMOYA season...

Still Organizing...

David's Treats...

New Projects...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

and am also loving this DJ TIESTO MIX of KANE's "Rain Down On Me"

a few PINOYS chilling out...

got this VID from facebook as it has been circulating... just three Pinoy friends hanging out, chilling - and going GAGA over LADY Gaga's song.... A CAPELLA STYLE!!! Like you, I do not know who they are... but if they keep it up, ELLEN or OPRAH is bound to discover them, too - or should... hehehehehe... Simply AMAZING!!!

the force will be with them...

Out this month, actually out over the weekend, the newest ADIDAS ORIGINALS special offering - and this one will DEFINITELY be a HIT -- ADIDAS X STAR WARS!!!

From a galaxy far, far away to a street corner near you. Star Wars and adidas Originals have officially join forces to bring you a striking collection of sneakers and apparel inspired by the characters and crafts you’ve followed for a lifetime. Out of this world designs paired with your favorite Originals silhouettes deliver a display of originality this galaxy has never seen.

and here's the cool VIDEO ADVERT for the line - with David Beckham to boot:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


as we were on our run tonite by the river, I could not help but notice the moon is shaped in a way that it is PERFECTLY SMILING down us all... it gave me such a WONDERFUL feeling and put me in such a happy mood... re-energized me even... after the run, I just had to go back out there with camera in tow - to capture it... so am sharing with you all in case you missed it...

"where I go" by natalie merchant

...been playing one of my most FAVE CD's of all time, Natalie Merchant's TIGERLILLY... my FAVE cut is SEVEN YEARS but playing the CD over and over the last two days - I was reminded of this song I use to love, still do.... LYRICS FIT ME TO A TEA - it is where i also go to run, to think, to watch people, or just to get lost....

Monday, January 18, 2010

PIXIE: Play, Don't Stop

Just from their MOTTO alone, I already know it is a SHOP after my own heart.... and wallet, too!!! hahahahahaha

Was hanging out Eslite Bookstore in the Warner Viewshow Village area to pass time.... walking about, to my delight, I happen upon a cool poster hawking about a TOY SHOP on the 4th floor of the building... needless to say, I RUSHED there at once - and BOY was I glad I did....

Not that big of a shop really, but it was jam packed with so much goodies - vinyl toys... a lot of the items I have only seen in Toy Magazines... so it was GREAT to finally see them Up Close and Personal... lots of Be@rbrick items in different sizes.... tokidoki stuff - though nothing I do not already have - THANK GOD!!! and lots of others - some I was not sure at all what they were.... or where they were from.... but it matters not... it is just GREAT to actually be viewing them there....

and the BEST part of the shop was a big display case with 400% Be@rbricks going around and around and around (the way the sushi's do at those Sushi Bars... Believe me, I was soooo close to GRABBING all I could eat... I mean, take home...hahahahaha..

So if you are in the vicinity, do try and visit the shop.... it will be a FUN EXPERIENCE, GUARANTEED!!! for now pls enjoy my photos here:
Pixie: Play, Don't Stop

4F, No. 11, Songgao Rd.
Xinyi District, Taipei City 110
886-2-8789-3388 #1416

monday, monday

the past weekend, besides being a COLD & WET one (every year, I swear, I think the winter months in Taipei is even colder than the previous one!) was no too bad at all -- even though it seems as if we did not do much but eat, eat, and eat some more.... hahahahahaha... as always, David was on a cooking frenzy and was making a lot of stuff for us all to savour and get fat on.... no wonder I feel like a BIG BEAR in WINTER just wanting to HIBERNATE after each meal.... ONLY PHOTOGRAPH THE DESSERTS AS THEY ARE MY FAVES AND JUST ABOUT THE ONLY TIME YOU WILL SEE ME HELP COOK, MAKE THAT BAKE, IN THE KITCHEN.
-well, aside from eating, I did manage to get around here and there.... and spent a lot of time watching DVDs (finally got to see the ELIZABETH - 2nd installment - simply an amazing film! and the 1st season of newest Melrose Place - TRASHY FUN - and seeing the old casts pop in and out is just too fun a trip down memory lane)...

spent a bit of time at the LIBRARY as well, reading mags, and catching up on "this n that".. always a pleasure flipping through magazines: fashions, toys, architecture, & news, now and again - hahahahaha) always so much going on that I wish I could see in person... places I wish I could visit.... and toys I wish I could have.... I was also HAPPY to have discovered a new TOY SHOP & SAD that, there is more COOL & FUN stuff to add in my OPEN PLAZA collection (SEE Follow Up Blogs) ...... oh well, back to reality.... and the trials and tribulations of life....

Happy Monday to you all... here's wishing for a GREATR WEEK for us all!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


...came across this quote from David La Chapelle this morning while catching up on some reading at the library... thought I would share as i like the sentiments...


"I found the world a much easier place to live in if you like more than you dislike..."


Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Black Friday - NOT!!!

just BLACK Be@rbrick from Comme des Garcons...
Thanks to Juliana for getting me this one... issued a few years back, was LUCKY enough to have acquired him (Thanks Juliana - my co-hort in Be@rbrick Madness!!! and Sue for being Taiwan YAHOO AUCTION SAVVY!!!))

Wow, there's really so much to learn about these CUTE bears... so many different series's available and Special Limited Edition ones, not to mention the various sizes they come in nowadays.... A collector must really have self control & focus or the collection can go OUT OF HAND - FAST!!! As you already know - am already working on filling up 2 display cases... LOL!!! So am really trying (NOTE: Operative Word - TRYING!) to concentrate on certain series's - DESIGNERS (Comme des Garcons, Bathing Ape, FNAC - so far); ANIME/MOVIES (Terminator, Speed Racer, Evangelion, etc..); Artists (Jimmy Liao, tokidoki, kennyswork, etc..) & countries (19 issued so far and I have only 5 of them... long way to go - see bottom part of display case on the left...)

So, that's the latest of my Be@rbrick Quest.... Happy Friday Everyone!!!

NOTE: A host of other BLACK Comme des Garcons Bearbrick Can Be found Here!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

another disaster upon us...

Am sure by now most, if not all, of us have heard about the Earthquake that shook the impoverished country of Haiti on Tuesday, Jan 12th. The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 and was centered about 10 miles west from the Caribbean nation's capital of Port-au-Prince. No confirmed DEATH TOLL count as of yet, but listening to BBC radio this morning, I heard that it is already in the Tens and thousands... so the as soon as some kind of DEATH TOLL appears, it will go down in history as another disaster where countless lives were lost....
So, I was talking with a few friends about the horrors of it all... swapping stories of the BIG Quakes: in San Francisco ('89) and here in Taiwan ('91) - both of which I have managed to experience and survived... of course everyone has a different opinion... Act of God, Mother Nature, and so on... and at times like these, one thing is always sure to be questioned: "WHERE IS GOD?"

Am not really a religious person, but I do hold on to my beliefs... I do believe in God... I believe that he will not give us anymore than we can handle.... and God is everywhere you see/find Love... and in the case of Haiti - God is where the VOLUNTEERS are...

God is where the countless Medical volunteers; the soldiers; the firefighters and the trained sniff dogs; the countries extending a helping hand and sending relief aids, money or otherwise...

God is where the many regular people, such as you and me, who will donate their time, money, material (clothing & food) and whatever else we can that we feel the the victims will be needing...

and God is where the Haitians who suffered from these calamity and still managed to get back and help one another... not take advantage of the situation to loot and cause more havoc....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Akbar & Jeff - Hump Day Funnees...

Here's another BLAST FROM THE PAST - Akbar & Jeff, a couple of my FAVE characters from the Life in Hell comics, by The Simpson's creator, Matt Groening. I remember in the mid 80's I always turn to look for them first in the daily newspaper.... and the ones with Akbar & Jeff cracks me up the most... readers used to debate whether they are brothers, twins, or lovers... but the creator did say, that they are GAY.... and with strips like this one - I found it in one of my photo albums, i guess I clipped it from the paper at the time it was published - one can definitely see their GAYNESS!!! hehehehehe

Just wanted to share another FAVE BLAST FROM THE PAST!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Always heal, not to hurt; forgive, not to despise; persevere, not to quit; smile, not to frown;...and to love, not to hate...At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built; not what we got, but we shared; not our competence, but our character; and not our success, but our significance!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

am a GLEEK!!!

Since I came home last Monday, it has been non-stop rain in Taipei -- which made it hard to go out and do any kind of exercise... too wet to run by the river, too cold for a dip in the pool (though believe me I still try BOTH!)... and when it rains here like CATS & DOGS, it is even harder to get motivated to run my errands.... so instead, in between catching up with work and personal matters to attend to, I alleviate the monotony of my days by watching GLEE...

Did not know much about the show 'cept it is about a High School GLEE Club and that it has a lot of singing and dancing, as I have been seeing the video postings of the show's musical numbers on both YOU TUBE and FACEBOOK... and of course, it just won the latest People's Choice Award for FAVE NEW TV COMEDY SHOW...

What a laugh a minute!!! The show is really funny and fun.... love all the musical numbers - each one entices one to jump up and dance & sing along.... love that all the characters gets their turn in the spotlight - to sing or dance or both... love the WITTY and often jaw dropping dialogue/lines - especially the ones that comes out of Sue's mouth (she is the BRASSY Cheerleading Coach)... love the GAY boy and his FUNNY "SINGLE LADIES" bit.... and don't get me started on the Mohawk boy who plays PUCK, Mark Salling... young Brad Pitt in my opinion with a voice and rhythm to equal the looks.... even the the teacher who heads the GLEE Club is too cool to watch.. not drop dead gorgeous but once he sings and dances - you will be swooning -- for sure!!!

Each episode is jam packed with musical numbers - and the choices, albeit funny at times, works for me... I mean what other show can do a MASH UP of The Thong Song with I could Have Danced ALl Nite - lordy!!! So far, a lot of my FAVE songs have been used, Beyonce's HALO, Jordin Sparks' NO AIR, Niel Diamond's SWEET CAROLINE, Lez Miz's ON MY OWN - did I not say eclectic selection... cannot wait what other songs they will be covering...

Just finished watching all 16 episodes this afternoon... and Am craving for more... not even sure how many eps have been shown already... so for sure I will be on the look out for the rest.... or fill my withdrawals with bits and pieces on YOU TUBE...

Try to catch the show - you will be glad to be a GLEEK, too!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

CLOSE, but still NO toki shoes....

ONITSUKA TIGER, one of Japan's trendiest and more POPULAR shoe boutique has been issuing tokidoki X Onitsuka shoe wear for a few years now.... always LIMITED - these shoes have been sooo very hard to find - well, for me anyway....

we really do not have an ONITSUKA TIGER shop here in Taipei... and in Manila, they get so few and never any when am there.... they sell out fast.... not surprisingly as the shoes are just way too cool - whether you love tokidoki or not.... fun, colorful and great graphics.... even the SOLE is soooooo FUN & ARTSY!

Before I took off, I had to go to SOGO Department Store in Taipei to pick up something... I was so surprised to see a SECTION of ONITSUKA TIGER SHOES.... and lo and behold, Ttokidoki shoes!!! Cannoteven tell you the feeling - I was DEFINITELY SALIVATING for them and could not wait to TRY my SIZE ON.... SADLY, nothing on my size... waaaaaaaah!!!Anyway, I did not let that STOP ME.... I got the smallest size they had and tried them on... TOO BIG I already knew of course, but still could not help myself.... just tried them on and took a photo.... so at least, I can have a photo to add to my tokidoki collection.... LOLs!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

charging on....

Monday the 4th... flying back to Taiwan.... Back to Life... Back to Work.... Back to Reality!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Great Line/Great Challenge for 2010!!!

as seen on the freeway of EDSA - Manila's busiest, most commercial & at times, scariest freeway..... the line caught my eye, and got me thinking right away.... so I will take it on as a challenge... to make a difference in anyway and everyway I can....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Randomness on the 1st morning of 2010!!

-which also happens to be Friday = "fridae funnees"!!! Here's to a GREAT 2010 for Us All!!!
Dear Lord, So far this year I've done well.I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. I'm very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help. Amen.
God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
And the eyesight to tell the difference
Dieting - New Resolutions
2006: I will get my weight down below 180 pounds.
2007: I will follow my new diet religiously until I get below 200 pounds.
2008: I will develop a realistic attitude about my weight.
2009: I will work out 3 days a week.
2010: I will try to drive past a gym at least once a week
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